Precision Machining
The most suitable for this process are machines equipped with several powered and controlled axes, producing products on a “Done in One” basis.
We have several CNC machines available for this process, both in long and short rotation techniques. As of 2011, we offer the capacity of 10 CNC machines to the top production segment of precision machined operations. Our company manufactures products unmanned with up to 90 mm Bar (axis)
Long rotation
Besides the already established department of CNC long rotation machines, an investment plan was made to expand this department to 8 machines. This will create a link to our mass production department, which enables us to machine products for an even wider range of relations.
Final treatment
In close cooperation with suitable firms, we take on all final treatments known in the industry in combination with the products we machined. Techniques such as honing and grinding, in so far as not executed by ourselves, are also possible.